The Dory Shop

Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, Canada | (902) 640-3005 |

Stories from the The Dory Shop

Sibling duo row their Dory Shop dory from North Carolina to Florida

An incredible story was emailed to the Dory Shop's inbox this morning - a brother and sister duo, Evan and Ariana Alexay, are rowing their dory from North Carolina to Florida. The dory, named Cod, was built at the Dory Shop 21 years ago, and has some very cool customizations such as a removable canvas shelter. To read more about their story, check out the article that was written by Bernie Harberts and interviewed and photographed by Keith Smith in the "Town Dock" in Oriental, NC:

Winter in Da Burg

A proper old gale blew through a few nights here on the south west coast of Nova Scotia. Big howling noth’eastah (NOR’easter being a media driven misnomer) all through the night with heavy snow, big, big wet snow- 6-8”. Today its raining, pouring, on top of the dense wet snow, yay…roads were a gooey thick mess and everything was closed for a spell. As it all should be. Wet, raw and cold. And the power went out as was well expected. But we have split fire-wood stacked and the woodstove chuckling along here at my home in the 1760 Bailly House. Kerosene lamps cleaned and filled, wicks trimmed. Candlesticks fitted with wax tapers. It is a lovely old home and I LOVE the walking distance to anything that has my attention, like office, our wharf, our barque, the Dory Shop, the grocery store, a pub or two, post office etc.